… has been the central idea of our family-owned company since 1936; long-term planning as well as economic activity with respect for humans and nature have always been part of the Voelkel tradition. Leading the way, thinking outside the box and breaking new ground have been and will remain at the center of all operational decisions. The following guiding principles characterize our daily work:
…and stand for genuine natural juices.
Our family business is based upon the idea of bio-dynamics: Influenced by the agricultural teachings of Rudolf Steiner, the founders Karl and Margret Voelkel practiced this form of agriculture as the most environmentally friendly and socially acceptable, i. e. most sustainable form of cultivation.
We will go on promoting Demeter farming practices as well as the methods of organic farming associations like, for example, Bioland, which are increasingly widespread in our region and beyond.
… and guarantee the highest quality.
We always look for new compositions and combine valuable organic and Demeter ingredients into balanced recipes. We meet our quality standards by using 100% NFC juices and avoiding all additives. Conse-quently, the unique taste of our products exclusively comes from the fruits and the vegetables themselves –in the way Nature has allowed the juice to develop.
Throughout the complete supply chain, from cultivation to the finished product, the organic and Demeter quality of our raw materials are the basis of our quality management; in addition, we attach great importance to food security and are certified according to international standards.
We stand for EXPERTISE
… and pass it on.
We rely on qualified young talent, i. e. we hire new trainees every year; moreover, we provide our employees with further and advanced training. In this way, we live up to our responsibility for both our products and the people who produce them.
Furthermore, we are a major employer for the structurally weak north-east area of Lower Saxony.
We create TRUST
…and assume responsibility.
Even in the framework of economic competition, we treat our partners, i. e. our suppliers and customers as well as our employees fairly. In doing so, we attach particular importance to long-term partnerships and personal contact. Long-term contracts, for example, not only meet our demand for high-quality ingredients; they also provide our cultivation partners with planning security and contribute to their autonomy.
Motivated employees are the basis of our achievements. This motivation not onl results from a feeling of job security, but we also attach great importance to our social standards, which means that we supplement the legal standards with special benefits and promotional measures.
… and promote organic and bio-dynamic agriculture.
The regional and global promotion of Demeter agriculture in the form of cultivation projects as well as the constant expansion of our product range contribute to the spread of organic farming: As the ingredients of our natural food juices come from controlled organic and bio-dynamic cultivation and as organic farmers work in harmony with nature, they and we together make an important contribution to the protection of climate and natural resources.
…regionally, nationally and internationally.
We have incorporated our social and environmental commitment firmly in our corporate philosophy. The development of partnerships with the local sports club, the cello class Lüchow-Dannenberg, the organic orchard associations Elbtalaue and Lüneburg as well as with the International Plan Children’s Fund is something we really take to heart.
We shape the FUTURE
… and remain pioneers.
More than 80 years ago already, long before the media discovered the topic ‘sustainability’, our company set the goal to act ecologically, responsibly and holistically, and we will continue operating in this way.
In order to achieve all social and economic goals and secure all achievements, however, we must remain an economically functioning company: Productivity and efficiency in the production of our natural food juices have been and will remain our strong points.