Legal notice

Voelkel GmbH
Fruchtsäfte/Gemüsesäfte [Fruit/Vegetable juices]
Fährstr. 1
D-29478 Höhbeck / OT Pevestorf

Telephone: (+49) 5846 – 950 – 0
Fax: (+49) 5846 – 950 – 50



Managing Director: Stefan Voelkel, Jacob Voelkel, Boris Voelkel and Jurek Voelkel

Court of Registration: District Court of Lüneburg

Registration no.: HRB 120959

VAT ID no.: DE814385566


Responsible for the content pursuant to § 10 Para. 3 MDStV [Interstate Broadcasting Agreement]: Stefan Voelkel

Notice of liability
Despite careful control of content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the sites we link to are solely responsible for the content of linked pages.

The information on our website is created with the utmost care. We strive to keep the information on the site up to date. The company Voelkel GmbH assumes no responsibility for the completeness, correctness or suitability for specific purposes. The use of the content provided on the site is done at the sole risk of the user.

Privacy policy
It is a matter of course for us that we deal responsibly with your personal data. The company Voelkel GmbH respects the confidentiality of your data. We do not intend, either at the present time or in the future, to disclose or market personal data to third parties.