Every autumn, Christian Pahlow drives his tractor from his farm to our natural juicing facility. In his trailer – freshly harvested, open-pollinated (pure line) Demeter carrots for our field fresh carrot juice and various vegetable juices. The area of cultivation is located about 55 km from Pevestorf, in the district of Lüneburg. In this area, a total of 300 hectares are farmed by organic and Demeter farmers. Christian Pahlow has been an organic farmer for many years. For several years, he has farmed bio-dynamically and is convinced of the holistic idea of Demeter farming. With the assistance of the Demeter Association and our support, he started cultivating open-pollinated carrot varieties in Demeter quality about seven years ago. He does not regret the step. Glad that he has expanded his horizons, he produces the preparations on the farm himself. A suckler cow herd grazes behind the farmyard. He is particularly proud to be free of fertiliser producers, seed producers and pesticides. He refers to the compost heap as his greatest asset and he can resow the open-pollinated varieties every year.
The partnership with Voelkel does have one disadvantage. “Voelkel is demanding.” Our vegetable growers also agree with this. Our high requirements on the quality of the goods are sometimes difficult for them to maintain. Because when it comes to the sugar content, the nitrate value or contamination with soil, we are very exacting. But our growers feel well treated. Other processors have brought back carrots, red beets and celery without asking and dumped them in the yard. Christian Pahlow stresses that he can always discuss difficulties with Voelkel and jointly develop solutions. It is the only way a long-term partnership works.
We cover around 20% of our open-pollinated Demeter carrots with the carrots from farmer Pahlow. Directly from the region. We get another 20% from our long-standing cultivation partner, the Demeter operation Bauckhof in Amelinghausen, near Lüneburg. In this way, we save long transport routes and promote the local Demeter agriculture.